Let's talk about Hey!Say!JUMP , and the other JE Boys too ^^

~So that there is nothing to forget, Let me hear that voice~

Minggu, 29 April 2012

Kyomoto Taiga in SEIKO 130th Anniversary CM

Ne, Who knows who this boy is? :D

You don't know? Really? Tsk, tsk, tsk.
This boy's name is Kyomoto Taiga. He's Johnny's Jr
Cute ne? :D

Do you know what CM is it?
You want to have it?
Go here @kyomototaiga.livejournal.com
You have to create a LJ account first, then go to kyomototaiga@lj , join that community, then click the link above
I don't want re-post that DL link because everyone had to work hard to get that link

Thanks to : Kyomoto Taiga LJ Community

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